Efficiency and Range Comparison


The Aerodyno Turbofan wheel covers have been engineered to improve range and efficiency. We've accomplished this by designing a wheel that cuts through the air with as little turbulence as possible. In most use cases the Aerodyno Turbofans will meet or exceed the efficiency of other aero wheel covers on the market - including the stock Tesla wheels. However, results may vary based on your specific usage.

Below you will find detailed Range and Efficiency information as well as comparison data. Efficiency comparison data (Wh/Mi) was gathered from EPA and Aerodyno testing.

Terms & Definitions

Range: Estimated distance vehicle can travel.

For Teslas, the range you see on screen next to the battery icon is "adapted based on fixed EPA test data, not your personal driving patterns" (per Tesla). To get a better estimate of your current efficiency use Wh/Mi.

Wh/Mi: Watt Hours per Mile. Used as a measure of efficiency. 

Think of this as the amount of energy your vehicle used to travel one mile. A lower Wh/Mi indicates that your vehicle used less battery energy when compared to a higher Wh/Mi.

If you are trying to maximize Range, a lower number is better. Many factors will impact Wh/Mi such as outside temperature, climate control, acceleration, etc. Using aero wheel covers is a great way to decrease air resistance and thus decrease the amount of energy your vehicle requires to move.

Testing Process

Vehicle: 2022 Tesla Model Y Long Range AWD

City Loop

  • Aerodyno Turbofans tested against stock Tesla wheel covers and Tesla Gemini wheels (no cover).
  • We used the same 11 mile loop with all three configurations and gathered data from the onboard Tesla Energy app.
  • This test avoided highways and focused on a loop with stop-and-go traffic, turns and variations in speed limit (25 - 45 mph).
  • Each loop ended with Supercharging and vehicle was allowed to use energy to pre-condition battery.
  • Other testing parameters:
    • Climate control (A/C) was disabled.
    • No harsh acceleration.
    • Speed limit maintained.

Highway Loop

  • Aerodyno Turbofans tested against stock Tesla wheel covers and Tesla Gemini wheels (no cover).
  • We used the same 19 mile loop with all three configurations and gathered data from the onboard Tesla Energy app.
  • This test focused on highway driving and started with vehicle parked near a highway on-ramp.
  • Each loop ended with Supercharging and vehicle was allowed to use energy to pre-condition battery.
  • Other testing parameters:
    • Climate control (A/C) was disabled.
    • No harsh acceleration.
    • Speed limit maintained.

Extended Mixed Use (City + Highway)

  • Aerodyno Turbofans tested against stock Tesla wheel covers and Tesla Gemini wheels (no cover).
  • Each configuration was used for a minimum of two weeks of normal use then data was gathered from the onboard Tesla Energy app.
  • Vehicle lifetime average efficiency was used for the stock Tesla wheel cover data.

Road Trip Test (Extended Highway Use)

  • Aerodyno Turbofans tested for an extended highway trip of more than 300 miles. 
  • Testing parameters:
    • Climate control (A/C) was enabled.
    • Normal acceleration, harsh as needed for passing.
    • Maintained "traffic flow" speed.
      • Typically 5-15 mph over speed limit.
    • Supercharger use as needed.


City Loop

Wheel Config Distance (mi) Total Energy (kWh) Average Efficiency (Wh/mi) Outside Temp (°F) Climate Control
Aerodyno 11 2 181 97 Off
Tesla Aero 11 2 196 97 Off
Tesla Gemini 11 2 193 97 Off

Highway Loop

Wheel Config Distance (mi) Total Energy (kWh) Average Efficiency (Wh/mi) Outside Temp (°F) Climate Control
Aerodyno 19 4 238 95 Off
Tesla Aero 19 4 250 95 Off
Tesla Gemini 19 5 253 95 Off

Extended Mixed Use (City + Hwy)

Wheel Config Distance (mi) Total Energy (kWh) Average Efficiency (Wh/mi) Outside Temp (°F) Climate Control
Aerodyno 100 26 263 105 Average On
Tesla Aero 22834 6423 281 ~80 Average On
Tesla Gemini 84 26 305 105 Average On

Road Trip Test

Wheel Config Distance (mi) Total Energy (kWh) Average Efficiency (Wh/mi) Outside Temp (°F) Climate Control
Aerodyno 308 81 263 101 Average On

 EPA Results = 276 Wh/Mi with Tesla Aero

  • City Loop
    • 8% Improvement vs Tesla Aero
    • 7% Improvement vs Tesla Gemini
  • Highway Loop
    • 5% Improvement vs Tesla Aero
    • 6% Improvement vs Tesla Gemini
  • Extended Mixed Use (City + Hwy)
    • 7% Improvement vs Tesla Aero
    • 16% Improvement vs Tesla Gemini
  • TL/DR
    • On average, compared to Tesla Aero covers the Aerodyno Turbofans are 6% more efficient.
    • On average, compared to Tesla Gemini wheels the Aerodyno Turbofans are 9% more efficient.

What does this mean?

Aerodyno Turbofan wheel covers will improve your Tesla's efficiency resulting in lower battery energy use and increased range*.


  • A daily commute of 30 miles round-trip with a stock Model Y (Tesla aero covers) will use about 8.28 kWh of energy. That's roughly 11% of the Model Y's battery capacity (~75kWh).
  • This same commute with the Aerodyno Turbofan wheel covers will use approximately 7.81 kWh of energy. That's roughly 10% of the Model Y's battery capacity.
  • In this example, you'd be using 1% less battery daily with the Aerodyno Turbofans when compared with the already efficient Tesla aero covers. Plus you'd look super cool doing it 😎

* Note, these are preliminary results based on production prototype Turbofans. Aerodyno will conduct additional tests with final product and update this page as needed.